Utmost Content Writing Tips for eLearning Blogs

Utmost Content Writing Tips for eLearning Blogs

Online learning through curated courses, how-to guides, and YouTube-based tutorials has skyrocketed in the past several years. Whether you work as a content creator, a web developer or an online tutor, featuring a blog on your eLearning platform is always a good idea. 

According to Tech Jury, eLearning has increased the learning retention rates by 25%-60%, with 77% of US-based corporations actively using eLearning as an onboarding and education program. There is a clear market for eLearning platforms in both B2C and B2B sectors depending on your affinities and business goals. 

However, featuring a blog section on the WordPress website itself can be highly beneficial in terms of user retention and search engine engagement. With that said, let’s dive into the why and how of writing content for eLearning blogs.

What eLearning is all About

Before we get started, however, it’s worth summarizing what “eLearning” actually means in terms of launching a platform with this goal in mind. eLearning is a form of ongoing, life-long-learning (or LLL for short). Its main goal is to provide a personal or professional development experience for its users through courses, guides, and quizzes. 

Anything from time-management and personal health to WordPress development and copywriting can be a main topic of eLearning. Different themes and industries will attract differing profiles of users or students. Platforms such as Grab My Essay and Evernote can be used to manage course writing, blog editorials and other forms of text-based eLearning content.

According to Medium, only 13% of people who enroll in online courses actually see them to completion. Finding interesting ways to hook your users from the start is essential if you want to retain them in the long run. It’s also important to know what type of crowd you want to work with and what the main points of your eLearning platform will be. Once that’s taken care of, blogging about your industry, courses, and popular news topics comes as a bonus – one that will still require a certain level of finesse and curation on the part of your writing.

Advantages of Featuring an eLearning Blog

Now that we have a clearer idea of what eLearning is all about, let’s take a look at the advantages a blog can bring to your platform. Bridgette Hernandez, content editor at Is Accurate spoke on the matter: “Regardless of what types of products or services you push to the global market, a blog can help you became a competitive player in your industry in numerous ways, not the least of which is the search ranking bump your links will get as a result of featuring it.” With that said, the most pivotal advantages of writing an eLearning blog include but are not limited to:

  • Expanded context and ideas from your main eLearning courses
  • Growth of brand awareness, industry authority and public image
  • Professional communication channel for your user interactions
  • Ability to feature guest bloggers and course tutors as writers
  • Future investment in terms of improving your SEO ranking

Content Writing Tools to Consider

In terms of content writing, editing and optimization pre-publishing, it’s important to be completely sure of your writing’s quality. In that aspect, it’s good practice to keep several tools and platforms close at hand for your writing process.


You may be good at WordPress development and quite familiar with the industry you wish to be the focus of your eLearning platform. However, content writing and knowledge transfer are also important aspects of eLearning, something which Studicus will be able to help you out with.


Your courses should be as easy to understand and complete as possible if you want to engage a global audience. In that aspect, Hemingway will allow you to streamline your writing as well as make it more legible and faster to read. This is especially important since eLearning is often compared to micro-learning, or learning “5 minutes at a time”.

Best Essay Education

While your eLearning platform should consist of visuals and different types of multimedia, written content will still be the primary focus. In that aspect, platforms such as Best Essay Education will allow you to produce numerous types of content writing for your blog as well as the course lectures.


Grammar mistakes and errors in spelling will spell doom (pun intended) for your authority as a professional eLearning platform. Make sure that all of your content is free of typing errors and mistakes in content writing through Grammarly before you publish it.

Supreme Dissertations

Even though you may be good at writing blog posts, discussion pieces, and news articles, there is only so much that you can do by yourself. Supreme Dissertations is a writing platform which will allow you to delegate some of your blog writing activities to an editor suitable for your needs and style of content delivery.


Lastly, visuals will play a major part in both your eLearning blog. Canva is a user-friendly GUI-based design platform capable of producing high-quality visuals. You can create anything from presentations to visualized data content for your eLearning platform through its intuitive interface, making it an essential addition to your content production.

Writing Tips for eLearning Blogs

Research your Industry

The best way to deliver high-quality blog writing to your users is to stay up-to-date with your industry. Find several news outlets and prolific industry voices which you can draw content inspiration from. You can also get great content ideas from your users through comments or guest lecturers and collaborators through the courses they created.

Melanie Sovann, a content editor at Trust My Paper spoke highly about the matter: “Your blog posts can be well-polished and feature dozes of useful tips and guidelines and still fail to attract a crowd. Make sure that you find ways to create original written content for your blog through thorough research and your efforts will be paid off in spades.”

Stay on Topic

Whether you choose to create a YouTube series about your industry or rely on traditional content writing for your blog posts, the topics you choose should revolve around your area of interests. According to Small Biz Trends, 90% of students have stated that online learning is same or better than traditional education, with 98% of organizations stating that they are completely ready to implement eLearning platforms into their day-to-day operations. 

In order to make the most of this situation, you should branch into a specific segment of an industry and build your authority as an eLearning platform there. For example, don’t write about car design innovations if your area of expertise and eLearning is centered on content marketing, copywriting or SEO. Choose a strict set of categories within your industry and devote your time into specialization in order to grow as an eLearning platform.

Integrate Multimedia

Multimedia can find its way into your blog writing just as it can serve as a great addition to your eLearning materials. Images, infographics, charts, and visual data can be incorporated into your blog posts in order to enrich the reading experience. 

However, you should still avoid off-topic multimedia or content pieces produced by other businesses to avoid copyright infringement. Produce original multimedia to complement your blog writing and your users will have a much better user experience (UX) as a result.

Search Ranking Optimization Matters

The best way to attract a sizable audience to your eLearning blog and study courses is through search engine optimization (or SEO for short). Search ranking plays an essential role in your online visibility since it will allow users to find your website through Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines more easily. 

Platforms such as Google AdWords and SEM Rush are specifically designed to help you discover trending keywords, formatting patterns and optimization tricks which are popular in your industry. Optimize your content for search ranking, especially when it comes to blog writing which relies on long-form articles as opposed to your courses and training materials.

Proofreading & Editing Post-Production

Once your blog posts are ready for publishing, you should do a full proofreading, formatting and editing sweep post-production. Don’t get caught with errors in spelling and grammar, especially since you write content for an eLearning blog. 

Make sure to keep tools such as Readable and WoWGrade.net close by in order to quickly spruce up your blog content before the final publishing decisions are made. This will help you maintain a professional reputation not only as a learning platform but also as a reliable source of blog content relevant to the industry.

eLearning Blog Mistakes to Avoid

With the writing tips out of the way, let’s reflect on several eLearning platform mistakes worth keeping in mind. The presence of these mistakes will dampen the effect your platform has on current and future users in a considerable way, so make sure to avoid the following:

Wrong Choice of WordPress Theme

WordPress is a very versatile and popular CMS for numerous reasons, not the least of which is its extensive library of themes. WordPress themes allow for a considerable degree of website customization and should be chosen carefully. Choose a WordPress theme that best suits your style of content delivery, blog writing, and learning.

Blog Content Irrelevant to eLearning

Your blog posts should reflect the educational nature of your website to a certain degree. Topics which involve online learning, LLL, corporate onboarding and others should definitely be on your content writing radar. Write about both your industry and the process of learning to strike a perfect balance between industry authority and eLearning.

Lack of Innovation Over Time

Lastly, learning platforms should evolve over time to reflect industry standards, eLearning innovations, and other market changes. To that end, make sure to develop a roadmap for your eLearning platform and innovate as you go along. Add more features, courses, tracking features and other benefits to your users to retain them over time.

In Conclusion

Choosing to develop an eLearning platform is a noble and financially-lucrative cause for a business. Blogging will help you not only express your thoughts on the industry but also engage your user base unlike any other channel of communication. 

Give your blog time to attract a crowd and make sure to rely on an organized content production schedule to avoid unnecessary complications. The right audience will find your eLearning platform and blog over time – make sure to facilitate their needs as it happens.

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