Building a Website for Your New Business

Building a Website for Your New Business

Are you getting ready to create a fresh website for your new business? If so, have you made a list of must have items for the site? It’s important to do so because startups often make the fatal error of building a non-functional website or a non-secure one. In either case, you’ll be having to deal with problems that could prevent you from ever getting off the ground. When building a site for your organization, here are some of the top points to keep in mind so that you maximize your chances of bringing new customers on board and keeping free from hackers and other security threats.

Contact Information That’s Easy to Find

Even if your first efforts only allow for a single page of on-screen information, make certain that you place your contact information in a prominent place. Include every method by which customers or potential customers can get hold of you, like phones, email addresses, fax numbers, and street addresses. The point of your page design should be to let viewers immediately see that you are available and welcome their inquiries.

A Description of What Your Company Does

One of the reasons users bounce from web pages is related to something called mission ambiguity. That’s when there’s no quick way to figure out exactly what an organization does. You’ve probably encountered company pages that obviously were put up hastily. If you can’t figure out what a business does within five seconds of landing on their main page, then they haven’t done a very good design job.

Smart Management of Logs

Every event on your server is recorded on a log file. The arrangement, storage, and overall management of these files is crucial for site security and several other vital business functions. For starters, consider using a cloud hosted log management system. There are many advantages of keeping your files in the cloud, the primary one being that you’ll save space and enjoy better security. Smart log management has to do with creating an efficient way to record, collect, store, search, and create output for various user groups. Managing this entire process correctly goes a long way toward keeping all your company’s data safe, confidential, and secure. For example, hackers typically seek to break into an organization’s logging system because they can derive a lot of valuable information from it.

Use Crisp, High-Resolution Images

Take the time to buy or otherwise acquire high-definition images rather than opting for free rights images you find online. If possible, and if your budget allows, hire a professional photographer to create the images you need, including head shots of management personnel, your building, and any products you sell.

Get a Simple, Memorable Address

Having an easy to remember web address might cost you a few bucks, but it’s well worth the expense. You don’t want to make customers struggle to find you online. Consider several web addresses before settling on one that fits. It can be a major challenge to re-brand later on if you decide to change addresses.
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