A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Turn Your Website Into A Mobile App

A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Turn Your Website Into A Mobile App

Having a website and being found on Google was the best method of building brand awareness and finding new customers in the past years. But, in the highly competitive business world of today, customers should be able to find you where they are comfortable.

Whether it’s their desktop browser, search results, or their mobile device, you should be there to be reached. That’s a good reason for your business to consider developing a custom mobile app.

The point is that developing an app is one thing, and converting your website into an app is a different thing.

If you have a decent website you can convert it easily to an app, without the complexities of developing it from scratch.

You can use a few lines of JSON codes to do the conversion. So that you don’t need to rewrite your website to change it to an app. Also, app converter tools are enabling you to build native Android or iOS apps from your website.

Before getting into the steps of the conversion, let’s consider the benefits of going from website to app.

Six Reasons to Turn Your Website into a Mobile App

Going mobile seems to be the best option for businesses in 2021 to expand the customer reach and be successful.

Here are six of the most important reasons why you should go mobile:

Offline Access

Providing basic content regarding your business, like open hours, products, etc. is possible even if your app users are offline. While the main operations in an app need internet access, staying connected using your mobile application in Australia is invaluable.

Better Visibility

Being available at the users’ fingertips gives your brand better visibility. The hours that users spend working with their mobile devices are too much to neglect.

Your business cannot afford to waste the opportunity of reaching its prospects and potential audience at that time.

Enhanced Branding

Increasing visibility and availability to your target audience leads to an enhanced brand for your business.

The history of social media reveals how mobile-friendly apps like Instagram helped businesses build and strengthen their brands. This is a sign that people are interested in engaging with their favorite brands through their mobile devices.

Easy Communication

Mobile apps enable businesses to stay connected with their customers around the clock. These apps provide creative features to enhance connectivity. Push notifications are among these features.

Higher Conversion

Mobile apps make it possible for your users to understand your business offers better than on your website. Also, by converting your website into an app you enhance the user experience.

These two factors, besides many others, are more than enough to boost your conversion rates.  

Fast Operation

You may have a fast-loading website, esp. If you have hired a professional agency such as the 10 top web design companies. But again, your mobile app can operate faster than a website.

Mobile apps are customizable based on each users’ preferences, making their operation much faster compared to that of a website. Some data are also stored on users’ devices, making a seamless fast experience possible.

Steps To Go Mobile Using an App Converter

In this article, we are not talking about having a mobile app instead of a website. A website has its benefits that may not be replaced with a mobile app.

You can have a mobile app while keeping your responsive website for users who want to reach you through browsers.

Here we introduce an app converter and steps to make a mobile app from your website using this tool.

AppMySite is an easy-to-work tool with useful features that makes it simple to convert websites without coding. Follow these simple steps to make your app:

Sign Up

Sign Up on the AppMySite website to start creating your online app for Android or iOS. Signing up on AppMySite is free.

Personalize the App

Use features and personalized design of your website and brand to customize it for your business.

Publish the App

After finishing with personalizing the mobile app for your brand, generate the “.apk” and/or “.ipa” files from it.

Author Bio: Ayla Anderson is an avid reader and an enthusiastic blogger who writes articles on home improvement, business, Family and beauty. She is also an MBA student who spends much of her time giving advice to newly small businesses on how to grow their businesses. You can follow me on Twitter.

Adward 3 years ago

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