7 years ago
Goodnight. I go to Administrator> Torado> Social Buttons and it allows to select which buttons should be displayed, but it does not allow to enter the code in each button. In other themes you can do it. Please, it's urgent, thank you. Regards, ESPAÑOL: Buenas noches. Voy a Administrador > Torado > Social Buttons y permite seleccionar qué botones deben mostrarse, pero no permite introducir el código en cada botón. En las demás themes vuestras sí permite hacerlo. Por favor, es urgente, gracias. Saludos, |
7 years ago
Support Service
In the latest versions of the theme you can't edit the code. However, if you need to do it you may edit yourtheme/extras/social.php file where all the social buttons are described. |