Too big slider image

Latest Reply from Dave at 2017-06-20 04:51:36
Dear Support!

Too big slider image ...

We can not replace the image.
Because it is a problem to obtain such an image (to make) ..etc
It would be good if you would consider it in the future.

Institutions and entrepreneurs do not like that the whole starting page is filled with the full slider.

Sorry to google translate.

(I think the appropriate size, for example: Arboretum, AFOD, Educatorm, GrandInt, Garage, Sterio, SportBlog, Shrum and Tank)

There are around 700 themes in our catalogue. We develop themes with different slider size to fit needs of different people. If slider in this theme is too big for you then you would better choose another one. There are too much of themes like BlogFor, Ladyum, BizerPro and so on.
Unfortunately, we don't provide any services for editing themes for individual

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