submenu in personalized menu on sidebar

Latest Reply from paolo71ad at 2013-08-21 10:25:56 Solution
i insert a personalized menu on right sidebar.
i don't see the submenu

-page 1
-page 1a
-page 1b
- page 2
- page 3
-page 3a

I see only page 1, 2 and 3, but no 1a 1b 3a...

Ther's no plugin active!
Please, insert the following code:
  .widget .sub-menu { margin-left:15px; }
.widget .sub-menu li { padding:3px 0; }
after the line:
/*  =----------------------------= MENU =----------------------------=  */
in the file css --> index.css and replace the line:
#header ul.children li,.sub-menu li {
with :
#header ul.children li, #header .sub-menu li {
in the file style.css.
thank you, but doesn't work... :-(

well, i inserted in ..wp-content\themes\architecture\css\index.css

/* -==========================- MENU -==========================- */

.widget .sub-menu { margin-left:15px; }
.widget .sub-menu li { padding:3px 0; }

#mainmenu { position:relative; }
#mainmenu li, #secondarymenu li { position:relative; }

in style.css i already find

#header ul.children li, #header .sub-menu li {

Please, give us the URL of your website.
at the moment, my site is on a local server... i'll put it online when ready...
monday i try tu upload a site in a temporary webserver...

here U can find a test page.

Now you also have to replace the line number 297 in style.css with:
#header ul.children li a, #header .sub-menu li a {

and replace the 54th line in index.css with:
#heaser .sub-menu { display:none; z-index:999; }
thanks works! bat the color? i don't se the title until mouse over... onli the border_bottom...
Please, download the archive with the template from our site and replace the files style.css, wide.css and ie.css from your theme with the originals.

nothing changed
As I can see you have not changed the file style.css with the original file from the archive from our site. We fixed the problem with this widget. The line number 396 looks like you didn't change files. Probably you forgot to save changes. Please, replace this file again. I haven't checked wide.css and ie.css. Please, replace these file too.
yes, i downloaded from

i do it again...
it's ok! thanks
another question... is possibile change the color of submenu? thank you very much
To fix this you have to add the following code to the file index.css:
.widget  li a { color: #YourColor;}

or you can add something like that:
.widget .sub-menu li a { color: #YourColor;}
to emphasize submenu.
thank you!

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