Latest Reply from Alice at 2015-10-26 09:45:33
Does anyone know how to remove the page title from each page? I don't want it to say HOME on the home page etc. I've tried custom CSS but apparently what I'm using isn't working. I don't want to see the title at all below the menu.
You just need to delete the code:
<!-- ========== Post Title ========== -->
<?php //Title
if (!is_single()&&!is_page()) { ?>
<h2 class='entry-title'><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( $SMTheme->_( 'permalink' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<?php } else { ?>
<h1 class='entry-title'><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php } ?>

in the starsofa/content.php file to get rid of all the titles on your website.
Thanks so much! One more question....when I view my site on a tablet or a phone, the menu isn't there. It's fine on a desktop, but missing on the phone. On my iPad, it shows up when I hold it horizontally, but when I turn it vertical, it disappears. Anyone know how to fix this?
Somehow the needed code is missed on your website. Have you deleted the code:
<?php smt_mobile_menu('sec-menu'); ?>
<?php smt_mobile_menu('main-menu'); ?>

from the header.php file of the theme?

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