Size Site title

Latest Reply from jonniflash at 2014-06-02 08:02:34 Solution

how can I change the size of the site title?

<h1 class="site_ttl">Dieter Cromen - Der "L294" Steakrunner</h1>
(from firebug)

I can't find the settings where I can change the size from h1 to h2.

Thanks for help.




If you need to change this html tag you have to edit the code:
function block_logo() {
if ($this->get( 'general', 'logosource' )==1&&$this->get( 'general', 'logoimage' )!='') { ?>
<a href='<?php echo home_url(); ?>/'><img src='<?php echo $this->get( 'general', 'logoimage' )?>' class='logo' alt='<?php echo bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>' title="<?php echo bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>" /></a>
<?php } ?>

<?php if ($this->get( 'general', 'logosource' )==2&&$this->get( 'general', 'customtext' )!='') { ?>
<h1 class='site_ttl'><?php echo $this->get( 'general', 'customtext' )?></h1>
<?php }

in the file inc --> library.php.
As I can see Logo is already in <h1>. Probably, you have to add any class for this code and customize css for this element. We don't provide any services for editing themes for individual users.
Thank you very much. That's it. These are the settings I was looking for. My custom text was a little to wide, so I want to change the size from h1 to h2. But I have not so much experience with programming. So I was searching to find the setting, but I don't found it.
Thank you very much
Best regards from germany

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