Secondary menu on mobile device

Latest Reply from Alice at 2013-08-16 07:35:22
I've removed the top secondary menu by deleting the following code from the top.php:

<div id='menu-box'>
<div id='secondarymenu'>
<?php wp_nav_menu('depth=0&theme_location=sec-menu&container_class=menu-topmenu-container&menu_class=menus menu-topmenu&fallback_cb=block_sec_menu'); ?>


/*-----------and this additional code --------*/

<?php smt_mobile_menu('sec-menu'); ?>

The problem is that an empty menu still appears on mobile devices. How can this be deleted?

Many thanks!
Same issue, anyone know how to fix this?
You have made a mistake.
Removing the menus was discussed on our forum many times: and

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