Remove Meta Tags

Latest Reply from martin Parish at 2013-02-04 17:21:26 Solution
Hello everybody,
I use a SEO plugin ( from Yoast ) but this is overruled by the Meta that is built in Middle Earth. I have searched well where to remove the default Meta tags in this theme but I can't find it. Anybody any idea on how to remove the default Meta-tags and description on this theme???
Your answer is very well appreciated and worth a BIG THANK YOU !
Please find function show_title($echo=true) in the file inc/library.php of the theme and remove following code :
echo '<meta name="Description" content="'.preg_replace('/[\'\"]/', '',$descr)."\" />\r\n";
echo '<meta name="Keywords" content="'.$keywords.$this->get( 'seo', 'keywords' )."\" />\r\n";
I'm trying to do the same for secretbeauty but it looks like the code may be different. Is it a similar task?
The code responsible for meta tags is similar in both themes. You have to do the same steps for BeautySecrets.
ahh yes, found it.... thanks you very muchly!!

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