11 years ago
I use the Sport WordPress Theme by you. I have this installed in the free Versoin. Now I get into some sites / blogs a red status bar in the footer. On other pages I have the nciht. I have removed any links etc. from the footer. Why is that? Here is a link where the red status bar appears: http://tbruit-jugendfussball.de/mannschaften/b-jugend/spielplan-termine/ And here's a link where this appears. http://tbruit-jugendfussball.de/news/ Please help me |
11 years ago
Sorry for my bad english.
I mean i donĀ“t have removed any links from the footer! That can you see at the two sides! |
11 years ago
Support Service
As we can see your plugin corrupts the page. To fix this you have to contact plugin developers or deactivate the plugin.