Properly Edit Template

Latest Reply from azpaul at 2013-01-22 15:59:55

I am brand new to Wordpress and slowly learning how this all fits together. I am attempting to use the GameX theme for my website but having difficulties figuring out how to change the theme to have the page look and behave the way I need it to.

As I understand Wordpress, it was originally developed as a blog page but it has moved towards much more. I am not looking to do a lot of blogging, maybe 1 page for it but use this theme mainly as a web page.

I have created a few pages and a category page. They are appearing at the top of the theme as whit text.

In what looks like the posting menu bar, the orange bar, I see home and categorized. I am trying to move all my page ling into that orange bar leaving the Home link and then adding my categorized pages.

Can I please get some guidance on how to accomplish this? I have looked through all of the dashboard menus and can not seem to see where the changes are. So it must be in either one or a few php files.

I forgot to ask, is there any documentation on how to customize your themes and what each php file does?

So Sorry, just noticed that these did not post in themes but framework. Could these please be moved? I see no way to edit the post. Thanks!

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