Activation FAQ

Latest Reply from Marion+Kehren at 2024-05-28 13:35:13
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.

Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.

Cod error
Activation Error.
Error code - #5121: Wrong key for domain

What´s my key activation?
I bought a domain and the activation key does not work. Says code error. I tried buying it three more times and each time took my money but no working key. Please provide customer support for this issue.
This is the error code. Error code - #5121: Wrong key for domain It cannot have the wrong key# because I copied and pasted it.

Purchased the theme 3 days ago, and cannot activate.

Activation key not working?

The ftp and user/password login details are correct my side?

Would appreciate a response and information why some plugins do not work, but when I switch Theme to a Wordpress basic Theme all works fine?

Help appreciated with this ASAP.

I put the activation key, the correct Hostname, FTP Username and Password, but but the message is "Wrong FTP server". What should I do?
Activation Error.
Error code - #5121: Wrong key for domain

If you are sure that you enter the correct key, please contact with us via to fix it
Activation Error.
Error code - #5123: You are using theme �uS�t�Y�ѣ�V�O�9UDN�<�0��ѹ��>�; >�^(i��s��UQ�Z�3_�R��-޽�Vß(Qw�
Hi, Purchased the theme today, and cannot activate.
Writes a reply "No access to update theme".
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most of cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.
I couldn't activate code, what is problem?
Buenos días, ERROR de Activación.
Activation Error.
Error code - #5122: Activation server can't get access to your host. Probably, access blocked by .htaccess rules, or some of the theme files are missed, please check your host access configurations and theme files.

If you are sure that is not the problem, please contact with us via to fix it
Buenos días, ERROR de Activación.
Activation Error.
Error code - #5122: Activation server can't get access to your host. Probably, access blocked by .htaccess rules, or some of the theme files are missed, please check your host access configurations and theme files.

If you are sure that is not the problem, please contact with us via to fix it

Nothing happened after activation.

Hello, i need to activate theme eco tour, but i have ftp acess only to the folder with all my sites. For examle, way to the site with theme looks so:

and when i enter my registration data on the page theme activation, appears error.

My hoster said that doesnt can give me direct acess to the the destination folder. So, how i can activate theme?
I cannot activate my key becasue it is looking for the domain to be in teh FTP host name and the domain is hosted under a server with a different host name for the FTP so I just get "wrong FTP Sever" Error.

How do I fix this? I cannot chnage the ftp host name.
When you generate code activation number don't use www. before doman name all works fine
No access to update theme ???


we buy your product Sportpress, we take our activation number and we put the right url, username and password in the connection information form. The message was "Can't connect to the server". Maybe the problem is that our server use only SFTP and not FTP connection method. Can you email us the files? Then we can upload them with Filezilla in example ... thanks.
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most of cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.

I bought template and paste activation code. I got this:
Activation Error.
Error code - #5123: You are using theme �� ���,��e���e
ainda não consegui ativar o meu tema ,alguem poderia me ajudar ja mandei email para o suporte mas não obtive resposta
Can not connect to the server how to solve the problem
Activation Error.

Error code - #5123: You are using theme �!����d�@r^@M�{q��VKv�Kݫ�y��o��&�R7�T[���-�QX��4�&��u i����� �63���tA�
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but trying to activate it with key for different theme (Onion).

If you are sure that is not the problem, please contact with us via to fix it activation can not be activation can not be
I can not activate MyMemories Theme.

I send several e-mails to put I get no reply
I have broblem "504 Gateway Time-out". What i can do?
Hi, I have a problem with the activation of the site.

In the beginning everything was fine but now every time I activated the theme appears red stripe that says "reinsert these links: blah blah".

The FTB data are correct and the subject tells me that it went well. But if I reload the page activation I have to redo it all over again.

How can I fix?

(Sorry for my bad english.)
Hi, for activating my theme calls me FTP credentials on my server but is not allowed to access FTP, is there any way to activate without this option. I hope your comment.
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most of cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.
Activation problems will not be solved via forum.
I have been back and forth for five days emailing They say they have activated my website and it is still not activated. They have given me different activation codes and (supposedly) emailed me an activated theme (which I never received, in my spam folder or otherwise). They told me it may be blocked by my server as it may be tagged as "malicious" - why would something they send be tagged as malicious??? As it has been five days, during most of my site has been completely down and unusable, I am using a different theme and will never, ever purchase a theme from this company again. I have never worked with a company so unhelpful and unresponsive in all my years of web design. I am submitting a formal complaint and request for my money back today.
I have paid and it doesnt work, after i enter in the code nothing happens!!!! please reply ASAP, otherwise ill recall the payment
I have sent 2 emails now and now reply!!! is this a scam? I have paid and will be contacting paypal to get my money back, in the next hour if I dont get any reply,
after 5 emails to I had a reply with some files to replace, but this did not work, and have since sent 3 more emails and no reply, what sort of business is this?

can you just give me what I paid for, it is that simple!
There was a bug in the theme. We've sorted it out. The topic is solved.
I put the activation key, the correct hostname, FTP username and password, but but the message "Invalid FTP server"

Specify domain name where theme will be used and click "Get key"

Your key for is 7858-****-****-9593, please type this key
in your dashboard to activate your theme and remove links.copy of the key

Connection Information

To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.
FTP Username
FTP Password

This error (HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error) means that the website failed server, which does not allow display the webpage.

For more information about HTTP errors, see Help. And that's what happened? Deal with it.

Activation Error.
Error code - #5121: Wrong key for domain .

If you are sure that you enter the correct key, please contact with us via to fix it
topic title gameplay
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most of cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.
i get code activation error with this domain
Problem with activation, insert key, ftp host name and nothing happens, does not give me even a code error, what to do?
same as above
We replied you by email. Please, check up your mail box.
I cannot get the Tank theme I bought to activate. Everytime I try to enter the license and click activate, nothing happens. I entered the correct FTP info and verified that I could connect to the FTP server using a different FTP client.

I'm not sure whats wrong, but if it wont work then I want a refund
We sent you a solution by email 6 days ago.
I have bought the MiddleEarth theme and try to activate it so I can remove the links. I have generated an activation key through my account, put it in my back-end in Wordpress and activated. When I try to modify the footer I have this red box asking me to put back the links. Is this a joke ?
We have replied to you via email.

If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.
I sent an email a number of hours ago. Any chance I can get some help getting this activated?
We have aready replied to you. Please, check up your mail box.
Hi, I had activated the theme by purchasing, but still its showing the links for the 'New Themes', please find the below screenshot.

Hope you will help to rectify.




Actually, we don't solve activation problems via forum as it is written by Administator of this website in the first post of this topic.
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.

Please, cpntact us via Besides, I don't see the links in the footer of your website here:
added valid code, said it activated, it removed links but still getting Red error banner. Help, site looks like crap now.
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.
The key is not activated. Support does not respond.
Many thanks! Theme activated! Good luck.
My theme does not activate.
If you have any problems with activation, please contact us via In most cases we need personal information, order numbers and activation keys to help with activation.
Please do not reply to this post because we are not monitoring this topic.

Activation problems will not be solved via forum.
Dear Support, I emailed you a few days ago from a different email address to this one I have used to create this message with.

I purchased a license for your Sunny Beach theme and I seem to be having an issue activating it.

The issue is that when I enter the activation code I just see an animated scroll bar as shown in the following image:

Can someone please get back to me and let me know how I can resolve this?

Thank you.
It seems that this company is no longer excisting! No feedback, FB old, no support....

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