Problem with contact form

Latest Reply from michaelh at 2012-10-08 20:10:46


I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong setting up the contact form page. I filled out all the information on the contact form page in Wordpress Dashboard, but when I test the contact form on the website, it does not seem to be going through to the email account I have designated. Any help would be appreciated.


Could you try another email, and also check the spam directory on your mail server?

I checked the spam folder just to make sure that the messages were not going in there, and they were not. Then I changed the email address to another gmail account, but still did not receive the test messages. Then, I was wondering if perhaps there was a problem with using gmail accounts, so I changed the email address to my own personal email address, but still no messages are coming through.

The contact page seems to be sending the messages, I'm not receiving any type of error message when I hit the submit button, the page just reloads. I want to be sure I am putting the receiving email address in the proper place. I am using the bottom section of the contact form, where it says, "Email for messages", right below where I put in my other contact information, address, email, phone, etc.

Let me know if this is the correct place to set the email address for where the messages are supposed to go, as well as any other suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong.

Thank You,

You are doing it right. Could you try any third-party contact plugin to check mail function of your host?

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