please help me to set RTL submenus

Latest Reply from m3 at 2013-01-30 18:03:23 Solution
Hi and thanks for nice themes on the;

My site is use RTL format but i have problem with submenus on main menu. submenues on hoover time open right of the main menu but i want change it to left. I'm Sorry for my low level english grammer. Thanks for help me.

Image of my problem :

hey dear peyman.
you can change them with changing float position. just find their float and positions and change them like that:

if they are:
( that absolutely they are like that )
( change them to this )

if they are float:right, so change them with replace the above code but inverse!

سلام پیمان جان
منو های اصلی با فلوت مشخص می شه جاهاشون که به راحتی قابل پیدا کردن هستن تو سی اس اس.
فقط تو سی اس اس، تو فایل ایندکس ( پوشه سی اس اس ) و استایل ( تو مسیر اصلی ) بگرد دنبال کلمه زیر:

#secondarymenu {

و تغییرشون بده به

#secondarymenu {

فکر کنم 100% مشکلت حل شه

بازم اگه مشکل داشته به گروه ما یه سر بزن، حتما بهت کمک م کنیم

امیدوارم موفق باشی
have fun dude

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