On home page, the article not showing the images with photography theme, hep me.

Latest Reply from dobermaraner at 2012-10-17 04:33:56

Hi administrator ;-)
I read this solution here: http://smthemes.com/support/topic/theme-dos-not-work-on-my-new-server but the code is correct, but in home page i don't see html code, why? If i set "off" the "Cut content in the feed" show me the photo, but don't show me other html code like characters in red or tables etc. My site is www.allevamentoaustralianshepherd.it .
Thank you in advance!

Try to replace string smtheme_excerpt('echo=1'); with the_content(''); on line 37th of the file theloop.php of the theme.

No... Did not work :-( the template have a trouble after the modify. Ciao ;-)

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