Need help with hiding contents

Latest Reply from Administrator at 2013-03-27 03:08:49

I want to hide all the contents above the
I recently stumbled upon the

<?php the_content('<p class="serif">Read the rest of this entry &raquo;</p>',TRUE,''); ?>

That you are supposed to put in the single.php file, but it's not working normaly with the theme. (using tank theme).

Any idea on how i do it?
If questions just ask.

This option, works in our themes by default. After you added tag <!--more--> into a post, it will be cutted in the feed. But single.php shows full text of post.
When I put that into the single.php I get 2 posts "Obviously".
1 post "original" have all the info including the info before <!-- more --> and the "new" one that also comes don't have it.

the "new" one also dont have the topic, categories and all the other things the "old" one has.

I want all the info before the <!-- more --> to show in the feed while all the other text below the <!-- more --> to be shown when you are reading the article itself.

Just say if there is misunderstandings and I will try to rephrase it.

Sorry for eventual misspelling.
even with the <!-- more --> tag it's not hiding by default.
Well it hides in the feed but not the post itself.
I just checked theme Tank for working with <!--more--> tag. And it works well. This option works by default in the theme. You don't need to add any code in file single.php, or any other files.

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