MovieStar error

Latest Reply from karlakwist12 at 2012-12-26 17:48:09

hey sry for my bad english I'm from Germany and must use the translator googel.

I'm just a problemm I can change anything is going on this error on every page

How do I get away again? Just wanted to make a new image in the slider.

And I would like my items in a picture in it have so far it only appears when you click on it on the item itself

It looks like you have no file inc/css/admin.css. Check your theme files or reupload theme.

but i have a new question
where can I set it to the home of the images are displayed?
me site
the demo page

While adding or editing post in your dashboard click by "Screen Options" button on the top of your page and turn on "Featured Image" in the "Show on screen" section. After you done you will see "Featured Image" box in the Post Adding/Editing page. Click by link "Set featured image" in this box and upload your image.

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