Mobile and Tablet size menu display problem

Latest Reply from robtapp at 2014-07-19 11:12:08 Solution
When I view my website on a mobile phone or tablet the main menu appears as well as the top menu even though i've set it to just use the top menu. the background colour behind the logo also disappears making it difficult to see.

Any suggestions please?
I am now using both menu's so the menu display problem is now not a problem, however the background colour on the header (behind the logo) is still white on the mobile size so makes it difficult to see.
To fix this you have to add the background here:
#secondarymenu-container {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #000000;
padding-top: 6px;

to the file style.css on the line 433.
Thanks for that, sorry for the late reply!

I do have one more question, I am now not using the top menu but it won't turn off in the mobile version, so I continue to get an empty menu only in the mobile view.

Thanks in advance :)
Take a look at this thread.
Brilliant, thanks :)

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