Load 2 Sliders on Separate Pages
10 years ago
I am using the Business theme and everything is working fine so far. I have been trying to set up my site to have the main slider on the home page and a different slider on a second page with the slider hidden on all other pages.
So far I've added a PHP if statement to the top.php copying the source HTML. I was then going to edit the image links and text and leave it hard coded until I know how to add a second slider to the theme config. The HTML seems to be loading but the images don't slide/rotate. I assume it's a JS issue but can't seem to find it. The strange thing is I've copied the source code from a working page and stripped all the unnecessary bits until it was just a barebones slider. This allows me to see which resources are needed on the page and everything seems to be there. Does anyone know how to just add a second slider to the theme config or change the existing settings to load different images based on the page? I was trying to keep everything simple but this has been anything but. |
10 years ago
Ok, so I tracked the JS conflict and just have to figure out how to rewrite everything to be compatible with the slider. My question about adding multiple sliders or allowing different page settings on the existing still stands. It would definitely make everything easier and I'm sure it would be a welcome feature if not already possible.
10 years ago
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