linbucks full script into the theme?

Latest Reply from Betty at 2012-12-15 09:33:03
Hello dear Admin!

First, thanks for this theme, beautiful!

I have a linkbucks account with a full script. This script i had to insert into my previous theme's footer and then all external link is redirected to my linkbucks link automatically.

I tried to paste this script code into InternetMagic - integration, footer code, but nothing happened here.

Any idea?
Hi again!

Just checked the code on my previous theme and the code works like a charm! Just had to put it in Head code or Footer code, no matter.

But in internetmagic theme no matter where I put the script code don't work.

Please help
Hi! Probably you have twice included jQuery plugin on your pages. Please check it or give us a link to your website.
Hi Admin!

My site address is:
There is problem with slashes in old versions of templates. You can re-upload the theme from our website to fix it and add your script again, or place code

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

directly to the footer.php or header.php.

Also you have twice included jquery plugin you have to remove string

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

from the library.php.

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