kitchener food blog theme Image size issue
10 years ago
I am using the free version of Kitchener theme. I'm using the plugin "Frontend Uploader" which allows users to upload pictures automatically and they get posted to my home screen. The issue is the following: The main images that show when posted (as your demo shows) are pretty small. I am wondering how to make them bigger? Also, when you click the "read more" button to view a new post, the image inside there is the same as the featured image. It doesn't even let me click the image to view it larger. My whole website depends on the images to be bigger and viewable. (either the featured image bigger, or the image you see inside each post when clicking "read more"). I have tried everything with no results. Can you please help me know how to make my featured images bigger? I wish to purchase this theme, however this one issue is preventing me from doing so. My website needs to be able to show pictures and have them bigger, or atleast click them to view them bigger (pop out or something). Can you please help? Thanks, Steve H. |
10 years ago
I actually figured part of it out.. However, When you click "read more" to read the article. the picture is smaller than the featured image (which i resized in the settings where you can change Loop image height and Loop image width. How can the image be larger inside the post as well?
10 years ago
Support Service
Settings for the image is the same. It doesn't matter whether the image has been posted in feed or in a single post. Could you clarify the question, please. |
10 years ago
In the Kitchener settings, i go to layout and edit the size of the picture changing the Loop image height and Loop image width. It changes the main image (when viewing posts.) when you click on the post to open up to read the article, the image then is smaller inside .. that better wording?
10 years ago
Support Service
Yes, that is clear. But I wanted to see this problem with my own eyes. Could you give me the URL of your website, please.
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