issues with right side bar

Latest Reply from marilybie at 2013-06-21 09:58:48

I have installed WPhotel theme and have a small issue. I want to use the site as a static site(not blog), I have created 2 pages(more would interfere with the logo) and created the rest of the pages as categories with one post in each.
my welcome(home) page type is "page without side bar"
my contact page type is set as "contact form"
my issue is that all my other posts(other pages) have the right sidebar with a number of widgets and i can't find a place to either disable all widgets or remove the right side bar altogether.

You can simply remove string <?php get_sidebar(); ?> from single.php file of the theme. After that all your post pages will be displayed without sidebar

thank you for the quick response. problem solved.

1 more small issue.
The sidebar on all pages is gone with the exception of the "contact form" page that uses "contact form Template".

You also need to remove <?php get_sidebar(); ?> from feedback.php.

Adding onto this, when I use Ampersfilm and try to either put the right and left sidebar or when I try and use widgets on a page plugin, neither will show up and i get a big red bar at the bottom of the page saying i've taken out the advertising links for smthemes and i need to put them back in. i have not taken out the links. please help.

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