Invalid username admin to try to sign in

Latest Reply from Alice at 2015-02-13 03:15:09
This question is for every SMTheme user....

I'm using an SMTheme, along with a plugin named (Wordfence plugin - This is supposed to warn WP Sites whenever someone tries to hack your sites

I receive MORE than enough warning messages:

MESSAGE >>> A user with IP address has been locked out from the signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Used an invalid username 'admin' to try to sign in.

Is anyone else getting these messages ? Is it just me ? Or, is it happening to you also, and you're just not aware of it ??

Hope to see some responses to this.. Thanks

Our themes does not contain any malicious code. They are fully protected and safe for use. If your website has been targeted by hackers, there are a wide variety of reasons which could cause this. You would better ask plugin developers about this problem.

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