How to remove search box?

Latest Reply from suzcalhoun at 2013-12-03 00:48:51 Solution

I was wondering how to remove the search box from the sunnybeach theme which shows on the top right of the menu?

Is there any way to do that?


You have to remove

<div class="menusearch" title="">
<?php get_search_form(); ?>

from the header.php.
Has this changed, in later versions? The current Header.php is only about a dozen lines and has nothing of the above in it..??

Thank you.
Yeah, same thing to ask, can't find it there!

check top.php?
I am new to using Sunny Beach. I am trying to get rid of the search button at the top of my header. Did anyone figure out how to do that?

You have to remove

<div class="menusearch" title="">
<?php get_search_form(); ?>

from the top.php.
Perfect! That did it! It did leave a white box to the side. Not sure why that happened. I've attached an image.


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