SMThemes Support » BeautySecrets
How to remove link for Title on banner images
11 years ago
I'm encountering an issue with linked text on the rotating banner images. How does one remove the linked title for each rotating banner graphic? Although I turned off 'links' in the 'BeautySecrets' control panel for 'Slider', the titles still have an <a href> applied to them. The link simply takes you to the current page you're on, so it's completely useless to have this feature activated.
Although logically, one should be able to change this through theloop.php, it doesn't have an effect. To test this, I deleted the entire section that states: <?php //Title if (!is_single()&&!is_page()) { ?> <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( $SMTheme->_( 'permalink' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" class='post_ttl'><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <?php } else { ?> <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1> <?php } The link was still there, indicating to me that this file doesn't work the way it should. I need to get this fixed asap so help from administrators would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!! |
11 years ago
I emailed help at SMThemes directly and they provided this response. Hopefully it helps others as well:
To disable the title link you have to find the code: <h3 class="fp-title"><a href="<?php echo $slide['link']?>" title=""><?php echo $slide['ttl']?></a></h3> in the file inc --> library.php and remove the highlighted code. |
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