How to remove author date and category from posts

Latest Reply from buxton161 at 2013-06-08 17:34:52 Solution
I search a lot of forums but i can't remove author date and category from posts... Please help me somebody cause I have got stuck here.
Thanks a lot.

what you wanna do is really simple.

First, is your theme SMThemes ? ( asking because you searched in other forums :D ), if is NOT please ignore this solution.

if you want to remove Author Date and Category tags from the posts in your pages please follow this solution:

Find ->


you can find it in your wordpress directory \ wp-content \ themes \ YourThemeName \

and open Theloop.php with notepad or some editor.

Search and find ->

Line 19



and remove the following row ( all of this row must remove completely ):

<p><?php if (!is_page()) {?><span class='post-date'><?php echo get_the_date(); ?></span> <img alt="" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/smt/category.png">Category:&nbsp;<?php the_category(',&nbsp;'); }?>

this solution will remove Category tag from all of the pages, and will remove the post tag from inner pages.

Hope work.
Have fun!
Hello, I want to remove the ', Posted in Uncategorized' from all the posts but it removes the whole post and the footer. I have simpleone template. can you help me?

I didn't understand your mean.

', Posted in Uncategorized'


if your mean is the category that pointing to categories of the posts at top of all posts, there is several solution:
1. if you would like to have the category pointer but remove Uncategorized, you should manage your categories and manage your post and their related categories to specify category to hide that 'Uncategorized'( In your WordPress you can find it ). by default there is only one category, and all post is uncategorized if you never change / add / edit it.

2. if you wanna remove the whole of the category you can refer to above solution with one change:
... and replace the following row:

<p><?php if (!is_page()) {?><span class='post-date'><?php echo get_the_date(); ?></span><?php }?>

this solution will remove only Category tag from all of the pages.

Hope work,
Have fun!
How to switch off / remove function author date and category from posts ??!!
I think I missed something here also/

I want to remove the:

Categories Uncategorized Comments No comments

On all post, followed the above and got a warning to place the code back in?
I am missing this somehow?

All I see in loop is:

if (!is_single()&&!is_page()) { ?>
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( $SMTheme->_( 'permalink' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" class='post_ttl'><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

I would like to remove the:

Categories Uncategorized Comments No comments

Thank you.

( Hip-hop Theme )
Hi, I want to keep just the slider on the homepage and not any post but as I delete all the posts there is still an option of NOTHING FOUND, PLEASE SEARCH AGAIN. Please help

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