how to change "body" styles?

Latest Reply from Administrator at 2013-02-04 02:17:27 Solution
I have a Musicpress theme and I have a problem with body element width. if you look at body element in the header.php, you see this code: <body <?php body_class( $class ); ?>> ; And when you see this code in the View source in the browser you see this code: <body style="width: 1348px;" class=" customize-support">.

I want to have <body style="width:100%;"> instead of the above code, and this code can not change.
please help me to change this style of body. mean I only want to have width=100% in the body element.

(1.I put style="width:100%;" in the body element code (into header.php) already, But didn't work.
2.I put width:100% in the body css(into style.css) already, But didn't work.)
3.I deleted the this code in the header.php


And work!!!, mean style="width: 1348px;" was deleted!!! But the slider did not work after it).

I only want to have width=100% in the body element.
tank you for help me.
Tag body has 100% width in all themes. Fixed width specified for elements .container. You have to make changes in file css/index.css and css/wide.css to make your website full width.

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