Holistic Mobile Menu

Latest Reply from Dave at 2017-08-07 02:50:37 Solution
When I click the mobile menu button in the upper right corner, it doesn't open it, it just changes the address I am at from:

https://mydomainname.org/ to https://mydomainname.org/#

Not sure what is causing this. I own a Developer license which is on the main site.

I have a free version installed on a testbed domain for me to mess with CSS. The testbed version has a working menu.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the theme, but no luck. I didn't go in and manually delete the theme folder though, so I'm not sure if that would have a different result?


The mobile menu works if I use the non-activated version. If I use the activated version, it does not work.

If I install the non-activated version, generate an activation code and try to input it via the WP-Admin Control Panel, I get this error message:

"Not Acceptable!

An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

Unknown error. Please contact with us via support@smthemes.com to fix it."


For the record, I got this error when trying to input a code for a different theme on a different site I manage the other day and discovered that mobile menu is doing the same thing.

We have replied you via email.
Email solution worked like a charm, thank you!


Como saben tengo una afiliación anual y tengo el mismo problema ¿pueden indicarme la solución?.

Me urge gracias por vuestra ayuda.



As you know I have an annual affiliation and I have the same problem, can you tell me the solution?

I urge you for your help.


Could you give us the URL of your website where the problem has happened, please? If you don't want to show your site URL you may drop us a message via support@smthemes.com.
Hola, Dave.

Enviado por correo a

Por favor, es urgente, gracias.


Hello, Dave.

Sent by mail to

Please, it's urgent, thank you.

Perdón, enviado a: support@smthemes.com
Sorry, sent to: support@smthemes.com

We replied to you via email. Please, check up your mail box.

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