Hiding Posts on Homepage

Latest Reply from SiteManager at 2013-10-30 20:49:22 Solution

Our school just started using the Educator theme. We would like to either hide the homepage tab and that content (as we have a "newsfeed" category) -OR- alternatively make it so that some of our posts don't appear as part of the homepage feed and just in other categories (for example "homework"). Any help you could give us would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
There are at least two menus in the header of your site - top and main. To customize it you have to go on page Appearance => Menus and set the created menu as a main/top menu.
Here are the intelligible instructions:
You can adjust your front page on the tab Settings --> Reading in the dashboard. But it is impossible to specify the posts as part of the homepage feed.
Hi Alice,

Thank you so much for helping us with this issue.

I've created a new menu per your instructions, however I must be missing something because "home" is still showing-up as a category even though it's technically a page.

I have selected the location of the new menu to be top. Would it make a difference to change the location to main?

Also, a different question, we would like the category font to be the same as the page font. It looks as though the page font is Oswald (-found when looking at the CSS HTML), but I can't seem to find the category font. The current category font is too script-like in nature.

Thanks a bunch!
Hello again Alice,

I guess I was a little too quick with my question about the difference between main and top menus because I just starting "messing" with them and answered my own question. (-Definitely with the help of your initial response!)

Anyway, the "home" issue seems to be resolved.

I still do have the question about changing the category font, however.

Thank you VERY much!
Could you give us the URL of your website, please.

To change the menu font you have to edit the fllowing code in the file style.css:
#mainmenu li a {
and :
#secondarymenu a {

Okay, so originally there was this:

#mainmenu a {

And I've replaced that with:

#mainmenu li a {

I replaced 'Ariston' with 'Oswald' because that's the font I'd like to use.

The secondary menu already appears as you've stated above - so, I shouldn't need to make any changes to that?

...The changes I've made don't seem to be working - even after deleting the cache. Did I do something wrong?

I found the following code on the line 277 in the file style.css:
#mainmenu li a {

You have to change it if you want to set 'Oswald'.
A-ha! I found it and the change worked. Thank you SO much Alice!!! I hope I didn't break anything by putting the change in the other place. (Yikes.)

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