Help Request

Latest Reply from Gareth Fletcher at 2012-11-07 09:45:23

Firstly I liking this web theme and having a lot of fun with the layout scheme.

New to Wordpress but it appears that I have 2 navigation zones going on and I would like to remove the ones in the theme which say Home and (No category)

Could you please help me in finding the code that needs to be removed to make that part vanish

the website is
You can remove code

<div id='menu-box'>
<div id='secondarymenu'>
<?php wp_nav_menu('depth=0&theme_location=sec-menu&container_class=menu-topmenu-container&menu_class=menus menu-topmenu&fallback_cb=block_sec_menu'); ?>

to disappear top menu and code

<div id='mainmenu-container'>
<div id='mainmenu'>
<?php $nav_menu_params=array(
'menu_class'=>'menus menu-primary',
wp_nav_menu($nav_menu_params); ?>

to disappear main menu. In the file top.php
Thanks I will use my slider as a navigation tool :)

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