4 years ago
Hi there -
I recently purchase the hellfire theme (developer license) for my client at www.smroffey.com Up until last Thursday the slider worked fine, then just stopped. I've tested in the following ways: - deactivated all plugins - deleted all unused themes/plugins - site health inspection - fixed curl/feedback error - tested slideshow on other smthemes (works fine) - turned debug = true (there are a few issues, but they're consistent across smthemes, so assuming these are intentional and not critical - pushed slider back to default settings All these things resulted in absolutely no change. I then tested the hellfire theme against itself: hellfire (dev license) vs hellfire (free license). ^^^ theme slideshow works just fine on the free license, but is broken on the dev license Any thoughts on what might be causing this hiccup? Thanks in advance! ^_^ |
4 years ago
After a little more digging, I've found the source of the problem to be the smthemes.js file.
If I use the 'no license' file, the slider works great but the glaring red unactivated bar shows at the bottom. If I use the licensed file, footer looks great but the slider stops working. So somewhere in there is super wonky code that's causing the conflict. Looking to see if I can dig it out... in case anyone else is having the same issue. :) |