header image

Latest Reply from Alice at 2013-06-25 03:23:25
I have set the slider to "homepage only", but on the other pages I would like to set a static header image.

How can I do that? Add a "top widget area" ?
I am interested in an answer to this too!
I would like different headers on different pages, above the page TITLEs...

You can set a static header image to the inner pages by editing top.php and style.css. I can suggest you to replace the following code:
<?php if ((is_front_page()&&$SMTheme->get( 'slider', 'homepage'))||(!is_front_page()&&$SMTheme->get( 'slider', 'innerpage'))) {?>
<div class='slider-container'>
<div class='slider-bgr'></div>
<?php $SMTheme->block_slider(); ?>
} ?>

if ((is_front_page()&&$SMTheme->get( 'slider', 'homepage'))||(!is_front_page()&&!$SMTheme->get( 'slider', 'innerpage'))) {?>
<div class='slider-container'>
<div class='slider-bgr'></div>
<?php $SMTheme->block_slider(); ?>

<?php if(!is_front_page()&&$SMTheme->get( 'slider', 'innerpage')) {?>
<div id='header-banner'>
<a href='http://smthemes.com/'><img src='<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/banner468.jpg' alt='SMThemes.com' /></a>
<?php }?>

These changes require a lot of changes in CSS. At first you have to define the class/ID "header-banner" in the file style.css. So I don't recommend you to change top.php if you don't know css.

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