Grandint template - remove SEARCH allow Categories

Latest Reply from Dave at 2015-07-13 09:15:05
Grandint template - remove 'SEARCH' allow Categories to STRECH, or better stated display CATEGORIES across the BAR

Need to remove Just the SEARCH BAR on the MainMenu display of Categories... Then all the Categories to display across the Bar

see pic:

I decrease the FONT size to 13px, in order to allow the display of all the categories.. But 13px is small want to keep the original size..

All help appreciated..
!!!! These things DID NOT work for the Garndint template !!!!!
NOT in TOP.php :
<div class="menusearch" title="">
<?php get_search_form(); ?>

this did NOT work
.searchform {
height: 28px;
width: 200px;
border:1px solid #505050;
display: none;
sorry meant to write GrandInt Template
In style.css, I remove the entire /* ---------- SEARCH ---------- */ section

the SEARCH is gone !!! Good...
I still need to expand the CATEGORIES, across the BAR
By default, there are two menus always visible on your screen, the "Main" menu and the "Top" menu. To customize any of them you have to go to the page Appearance => Menus and set the created menu as a main/top menu. Here are the intelligible instructions:
Using this instruction you will be able to add all the needed categories to your menu.

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