Get rid of top menu selector on iphone

Latest Reply from Dave at 2014-12-22 03:09:02

After upgrading and completely removing all the top menu/search bar items when I open up my webpage: I still get a selector for both menu's (main and top).

How can I get rid of the top menu selector?

Kind regard,


You would better edit wp-content/themes/sweethome/header.php file to get rid of the elements you don't need and afterwards you may customize the styles.

There are several css files: style.css located in the directory of the theme and the others inside /css folder. Inspecting the page you will be able to find the line and the file you have to edit. We don't provide such kind of services.
Hi Dave,

Is the mobile menu selector for phones etc. also found in the header.php?

Kind regards,


Yes, all the header elements are located in the header.php file. Removing the menus has been already discussed on our forum: (secondary) and (main menu).

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