Garage Theme Mobile version menu

Latest Reply from Matt at 2014-07-08 04:00:20
Hi there,

at I have a problem with the mobile menu.

at the desktop version everything works fine but at the mobile version i have a problem that 2 menu's show up and one of these 2 isn't working.

How can i delete the one that isn't working?

You have only main menu on your website. To remove secondary menu in the mobile mode you have to remove the code:
	<?php smt_mobile_menu('sec-menu'); ?>

in the file header.php located in the directory of the theme.
Is it possible to make the menu bigger (hight) because it's very hard to click on and most of the time i click it it follows the link from the logo that's behind it instead of opening the menu
got that working now,

only thing that still doesn't work is the logo on the mobile version: it's really really small,
and the slider doesn't work in firefox, it's aligned on the right of the screen and showing up outside the screen
image problem solved,

only problem that's left is the one with the slider in the firefox desktop version
Please, turn on slider, so that we can see the problem.
Slider is turned on now
Hi Maurice,

Please find rules for .slider-container in the file style.css, it is at 316th line. And change value for margin-top from -30px to -15px. So you should have following code:
.slider-container {
margin-top: -15px;

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