Footer links

Latest Reply from Michael Busbee at 2023-04-05 14:43:38 Solution
I've bought dresses theme and I've got a key to activate it.
I've put the key in the "Theme Activation" in my wordpress panel.
The links in the footer remain. So, I've removed them manually, but I got a red footer. How should I proceed to remove these links?
My dresses theme version is 2.4.2
Sorry for inconvenience. Probably, some technical error occurred during activation. We sent you a solution by email.
Ok, now it's working fine!

same here but I have tried contacting you but no joy

We didn't get any email from you. Please, contact us via email if you have any problem during the activation ( However, as I can see the activation has been successfully completed on your website. Do you still have any issues?
I'm having this same issue.

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