Featured Images

11 years ago
We're still trialing with the SweetHome theme. We're almost there. We want to use featured images for our posts (this can be team photo's with club members on there). What we want is that the featured is clickable and opens the article with an enlarged image. Is this possible to achieve (maybe with a code modification). Thanks, Mark |
11 years ago
Can you provide me with an answer? Thanks. With kind regards, Mark |
11 years ago
Support Service
You can set featured image and specify the image title as a link,e.g. <a href="http://yourdomain">Dog</a>. |
11 years ago
Hi Alice,
I might be doing something wrong but that doesn't seem to work. When I add the featured image with a link title <a href="http://yourdomain">Dog</a> it does not show different behaviour. When I click the image it just opens that contains the featured image. When I put the link in the description of the image I cannot click it as well. Hope you can help. Thanks, Mark |
11 years ago
Please, try to disable "Load Content Dynamically" on page Theme Settings --> Layout.
11 years ago
It is already disabled in our setup.
11 years ago
Support Service
Please, give us the URL of your site.
11 years ago
it's http://ttvm.markbrilman.nl
11 years ago
Hi Dave,
Did you have a look at the site? I can provide you with login data if helpful. With kind regards, Mark |
11 years ago
Support Service
As I can see the featured images on the website http://ttvm.markbrilman.nl are linked to the posts.
===, unfortunately, we don't provide such kind of services. |
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