Featured Image issues

Latest Reply from Alice at 2015-08-27 04:52:28

That's my website, i'm using the mixdemo, which is a great theme! http://genocidio.com.br/ptbr/

I imported the posts from blogger and all featured images shows the way i want, full size, but when i add a new post, or just set a new featured image for a old post, the image just get cropped to height: 189px; during the upload or just by choosing it in the library!

All I want is to set all featured images to height: 100%; to show like the second and others posts.

I tried to install a plugin "Nelio External Featured Image" and put the url of the right image, but it still doesn't work... the theme still crop it

firebug give me this class name img.attachment-post-thumbnail.featured_image.wp-post-image.nelioefi

but the code does not work too

firebug give me this class name img.attachment-post-thumbnail.featured_image.wp-post-image.nelioefi {height: 100%;}

anyone can help me, please?
These settings can be changed on page MixDemo --> Layout --> Loop Image Width / Loop image height. Change these values and reupload your images.

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