8 years ago
We have used this theme for quite some time and it has been working fine. We just migrated a site with this theme to a new server and all aspects of the site and theme are displaying correctly except for one portion of the homepage that is displaying an "Error 404 | Nothing Found" error.
The text that should be displaying here is included in the database and I can see this content in the /wp-amdin section. Can you assist with what may be causing this error? Page: http://jmdennis.www66-198-244-216.a2hosted.com/kids-consignment.com/ |
8 years ago
Support Service
As I can see, all the pages of your website are not displayed properly if you use the full domain name (http://jmdennis.www66-198-244-216.a2hosted.com/). This can be caused by work of your server. But if you use the kids-consignment.com domain name only all the pages are displayed correctly. |