Dropdown menu hidden behind slider

Latest Reply from m3 at 2013-02-27 14:08:53
I have a drop down menu that appears to be hidden behind the slider.

I have the slider disabled on inner pages and can access the drop down just fine. On the page with the slider I can see the drop down briefly when the slides fade in transition but cannot make a selection.


Hello Steve.

did you even seen the SEARCH menu at the top of the pages? it's a menu to find a solution for your problems with other people's topic :D

please try this solution:


Hope work,
Have fun!
Ok. I had done a search but did not find that thread. In the solution given, my #mainmenu-container looks nothing like the item I have in style.css.

Here is the code from my style.css

#mainmenu-container {
background:url(images/menu.png) left top no-repeat;
padding:1px 44px;
margin:0 -44px;

Your code is

#mainmenu-container {

As you can see I have no line for padding-bottom:, or clear: or margin bottom.

Please advice how to proceed further.

Sorry. Disregard. Changed the z-index to 18 and it works perfect.


I'm so sorry, but when wrote that reply, your site was Unreachable and with no respond. so i just offer you a global solution but didn't know what exactly was your problem. i had no idea of your site and your theme and your style and format ( sorry for that ).

in that topic, i didn't said " THIS VALUES IS JUST LIKE THIS ", i said search for these and in above reply in that topic i describe what change you should do ( " and change z-index, to 99. it should just more than the slider's z-index. " ).

absolutely each theme have its style and format, so i never focus on one thing in styles or even codes.

good to see your problem resolved.
Have fun!

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