Changing font size - contact page

Latest Reply from gregor kosmina at 2014-07-30 14:18:35 Solution
Dear all,

I'm wondering how to change font size on my contact page? In style.css I cannot find any section where I could possibly change that.

LINK to page:

Thanks for your answers in advance!

Best regards
We don't provide any services for editing themes for individual users. To change font and its size you will need to edit css files of the theme. To be more precise, you need to edit the following code in the file beautysecrets/css/index.css:
/*	-==========================- FEEDBACK -==========================-  */
.feedback { float:right; width:330px; margin-left:30px; }
.feedback .input input, .feedback textarea { width:100%; background: none; color: #979797; border:0px; }
.feedback .input { border: 1px solid #D8D8D8;padding:5px; margin-top:-15px; }
.feedback p { margin-bottom:20px; } { list-style:none; margin:0px; padding:0px; } li { padding-left:40px; line-height:32px; font-size: 15px;}

Dear Dave,

will keep in mind for the next time. Thanks for your help!

Best regards, Gregor

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