Change websites title tag in theme musica

Latest Reply from Dave at 2014-03-13 03:35:41

I'm using the "musica" theme and basically I want to change the title tag of my website, so that searching in e.g. Google will show my personally defined tag.

Even though the theme provides an SEO area, I wasn't able to change it - the standard title tag "name of the website" is what Google shows all the time.

I tried several Tutorials which show how to modify the header.php, but "musica" is constructed differently, which is why I wasn't able to do it by myself.

Also many different plugins weren't able to help me, they seem to have no impact at all.

So please, what can I do?

Thank you very much!

If you want to adjust your SEO system by yourself you can simply remove SEO provided by SMT. Just remove the code:
echo "<title>".sprintf($format,$title)."</title>\r\n";
echo '<meta name="Description" content="'.preg_replace('/[\'\"]/', '',$descr)."\" />\r\n";
echo '<meta name="Keywords" content="'.$keywords.$this->get( 'seo', 'keywords' )."\" />\r\n";

in the file inc --> library.php

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