Change title individual page

Latest Reply from studiosmeraldo at 2014-09-25 08:33:35 Solution
I installed the theme "free architecture." how do I change the title of the individual pages? thanks
Could you clarify the issue, please. You can always edit the titles when editing page or post.
Thanks for your reply. I try to explain better: The site consists of several pages and articles and to improve your ranking on search engines, I need to be able to assign to each page and an article of its own title and descriptions. It does not quite understand where I can do this because going to change the title of the template in SEO and expand these descriptions to all pages. thanks
To assign your own data for each post/page you have to install a third-party plugin to fix this. The theme already provides the title, description and keywords according to the title and content of the page. Besides, you can adjust SEO options on page Theme Settings --> SEO.

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