Category pages shows the whole content of posts or pages not excerpt

Latest Reply from Dave at 2017-01-26 04:43:16
When a category is shown, the whole content of posts or pages are listed, that is, the_content(), rather than the_excerpt(). Adding <!--more--> to post or page does not help.

PS I use category for pages too.
PS I am referring to MiddleEarth Theme.

Perhaps, you have turned off the option "Cut Content in feed" on page MiddleEarth --> Layout in the dashboard of your website. Please, try to check whether this option is enabled or not.
"Cut Content in feed" is ON. But my question is not about feed, but about category pages. If you browse a category, I expect that only the excerpt of a post/page is shown, not the whole post/page.
Could you give me the URL of your website, please.

Look for example at

As you can see, for example, the whole tables are shown... So the category page is very long. Furthermore is very difficult to distinguish a post from another but I suppose I can fix that by using some divider in child theme.
Any news?

Which value is specified for the "Content Length" option on page MiddleEarth --> Layout in the dashboard of your website?
Just consider that such a number is ignored in case of tables. The table is shown as a whole, independently on number of characters.
I've tried to insert tables and the excerpt works properly.
The last thing I may recommend you is to replace our
<?php smtheme_excerpt('echo=1');?>
function with the default one:
<?php get_the_excerpt();?>

inside the content.php file.
Alice, I cannot find content.php in MiddleEarth theme!

This is an old theme. Probably, you may find this code inside the theloop.php file of the theme.

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