Architecture - Unordered bullet list not working

SMThemes Support » Architecture
11 years ago
We have just bought your Architecture theme for our web and when we try to format text with unordered bullet list, it appears as sorted in bullet list in WYSIWYG editor, but not on page. For example, on this page: This text should appear as sorted in unordered bullet list: "štyrmi odporovými pecami, simulačným programom ProCAST, riadiacim CNC programom Mach3, obrábacím CNC programom Cut3D, trojosovou CNC frézou na bezmodelové formovanie, dvoma indukčnými pecami s hmotnosťou vsádzky do 50 kg a 100 kg." But it doesn´t. Could you please tell us why it´s not working? Thanks |
11 years ago
Support Service
To fix this you have to add the following code to the file style.css: |