SMThemes Support » MiddleEarth
An unexpected text appears at the top-left of the header in a specific page

8 years ago
in the following url there is a short text at the top-left corner. Is it a malfunction of the header? Why appears only in this page and how can i remove it? Thanx |
8 years ago
Support Service
Probably, you have implemented some code into theloop.php file, may be <?php echo get_the_author(); ?>, but didn't add any styles to it - so it is located at the left top corner of the parent element. |
8 years ago
Hi Dave,
Please note that the text 'Νέο,Θέμα," />' appears only in the following page There fore the code <?php echo get_the_author(); ?> hasn't to do anything for this bug. In this particular web page a plugin is enabled. So, what would you suggest? |
8 years ago
Support Service
Actually, I didn't find this word at the top of your page. Could you send me the screenshot of the place where do you see this text. I saw only "nikos" on the top left of each post that is the author name.
8 years ago
Member Hi Dave, sorry but this text appear only in the following page and can see only the sign in members. If someone is not login then this short text not appear. I send you the screenshot of the place where do you see this text: ![]() Also, in the theme field "Site keywords" ( if i write for example "xlomo pogoniou" then appear into the short text ( Νέο,Θέμα,,xlomo pogoniou” /> ) I send you an other screenshot of the place where do you see this text after the "Site keywords": ![]() Thank you |
8 years ago
Support Service
As I can see, you use the additional plugin/script on your website (the red media player at the top), which isn't provided by our theme. Probably, the issue is caused by the work of it. Also, this closing bracket '/>' looks like you haven't closed a tag in the html code. |
8 years ago
Thanx for your help |
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