adding header image to muzhit theme

Latest Reply from Alice at 2014-07-22 03:30:49
am looking to add an image to the header across the whole width of the blog and remove the secondary menu
can anyone tell me where to
1- enter header image code
2-how to remove secondary menu
website is
We don't provide such kind of services as editing themes for individual users. We can only help you to find the place where you have to edit the code. It is the file header.php located in the directory of the theme, find the following code:
<div id='secondarymenu-container'>

<div id="logo">
<?php $SMTheme->block_logo();?>

<div class="menusearch" title="">
<?php get_search_form(); ?>

<div id='menu-box'>
<div id='secondarymenu'>
<?php wp_nav_menu('depth=0&theme_location=sec-menu&container_class=menu-topmenu-container&menu_class=menus menu-topmenu&fallback_cb=block_sec_menu'); ?>


<?php smt_mobile_menu('sec-menu'); ?>

Please, make a backup before code editing. Afterwards, you will need to add styles for your new elements into the file style.css. It is in the same folder.

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