Adding input type text to home page excerpts?

Latest Reply from social bookmarking service at 2013-06-05 18:22:26

Trying to figure out how to do this.. actually just would like to be able to add any type of code for that matter to the homepage excepts.

Hi, you can specify allowed tags in line 261 of functions.php.

( ?>
<div class="menu-primary-container">
<ul class="menus menu-primary">
<li <?php if(is_home() || is_front_page()) { ?>class="current_page_item"<?php } ?>>"><?php echo $SMTheme->_( 'homelink' );?>
<?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&'); ?>
</div> )

How would I enter that?

Would you please specify your question?

you can specify allowed tags in line 261 of functions.php

What would be the right way to enter the code into the functions.php I don't want to break the website?


There is coming update in near future, that allows to specify allowedd tags for excerpt in administrative panel, without code editing.

when is this update?

Hi! Update of SmartPress is scheduled for tomorrow.

how do I get the update?

Updated SmartPress is available to download from page

Great can you allow it to update on the manage themes page in wordpress I don't want to break my site.

Like how you click on "There is a new version of Twenty Eleven available." except for this theme.

If you can't do this I'll try to figure out how to update it I guess.

At this moment our themes don't support automatic updates.

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