Security Measures You Should Be Doing If You Have An eBusiness

Security Measures You Should Be Doing If You Have An eBusiness

Just like the real world, the e-commerce also has its own thieves and hackers. We work hard to stay safe, keep everything in our pockets, sometimes zip it up, but they almost always seem to find a way, e-commerce is the exact same. 

E-commerce website security is just as important as partnering up with vendors to get your ultimate product catalogs or with delivery companies to activate it. There is always a chance for hackers to target you, so you must always keep your website away from any harm that could happen. 

Here are some security measures you should be doing if you are planning to have a business online. 

1. Choose the best eCommerce platform

Before even starting a your e business, you need to do in-depth research before choosing your platform. You need to prioritize what you think are essential factors that this platform must have. Then write the things that are not necessarily to you. Choose a platform that believes in the ultimate privacy, programming and is also object-orientated. 

Quick tip: if you already want to use WordPress, select a security plugin that can add that extra final security regulations needed. 

2. Top notch network level security

WAF or web application firewall is a simple hardware or system that works as the gray area between two or more networks. What it does is permit authorize traffic and is also there to block unauthorized traffic from accessing your network. It helps you avoid attacks like cross-site scripting and DDoS especially because e-commerce websites have inbound traffic, so they need effective firewalls to somehow protect them.

It is also a good idea to find yourself a company that will keep your security up to date. A smart thing to do is to change your security software and the companies you work with as frequently as you can to avoid hacking. Do some research to figure out what kind of options are available. A good place to start is to look at a teamviewer alternative, as most businesses will turn to teamviewer software.  

3. SSL & PCI compliant

You might be one of the readers that just reads the title and said ‘what?’ but it is fine to not know these terminologies. SSL is basically the digital certificate that gets the information sent between web server and web browser. It is basically your most effective way to achieve the ultimate data security on your e-commerce website. PCI compliance is a must by the security regulations that is made by big credit card brands to be able to reduce the chances of fraud.

4. Train your employees right

Sometimes, fraud and threats are caused by simple human errors. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens from those inside the workspace. A business’s customer support representative may reveal certain information that shouldn’t be revealed or give out login credentials to fake callers. These situations can be very much avoided with regular trainings towards online fraud and how threats could occur. A simple regular workshop could slightly lessen their productivity, but they will definitely learn before being the cause of a threat!

The dark side of Ebusiness

The emerging of E-commerce is great! It is constantly evolving and developing into a much more useful form. However, security measures also need to be taken into consideration every step of the way. Everytime a new development is created in the e-commerce sector, a new security risk emerges too.

So make sure you look over these important tips for reference to how you can keep your website safe. By staying alert all the time, you are decreasing the chances of any major threat that could occur. Regular updates and developments towards your own E Business can prevent chances of fraud too.

6 years ago
Thank you for the post. Read this article:

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